Work on your business with team thinking sessions Overcome challenges, stuck issues and think better
Why should your senior leadership team own all the problems?
By fun empowering team thinking sessions - work on your key sticky issues.
Structured and facilitated Delta Thinking workshops helps challenge standard thinking to help you work ON your business and decide whats key

Walk away with team connection, problems solved and solid action plans

Delta thinking builds teams and makes this happen
Using old ways to solve pain points and sticky issues
Same ole, same ole
Trying to solve problems with the same level of thinking that created them
You don't know what you don't know
I don't wanna do that
People are resistant to change
Who are they?
People don't know enough about their fellow team members
Your people are you're greatest asset
You're not sweating your assets
  • Why Delta Thinking?
    With powerful questions, we guide you through your thought processes and decision making options.

    We help you see your problem(s) differently.

    The key result will help connect your ideas with actions and positive intelligent change.
  • What is Delta Thinking?
    Delta Thinking is a methodology for creative structured thinking (helping you think outside the box) resulting in powerful new key ideas, a strong vision and concrete actions.

    The process will help you open possibility, change gears on thinking and adapt to new ideas.
  • Our promised outcomes
    We bring newfound enthusiasm and motivation to incorporate more blue sky thinking and actionable tools to make you think in a different way to address your pain points and solve sticky issues.

    We also promise AHA moments in every workshop.
Throw away your dud thinking
Let’s look at your thought process, and then kick it up a few notches!
Active team brainstorming
We show you what ‘Build It-Break It-Rebuild It’ is, and how to apply this incredible brainstorming technique to maximise even the smallest idea.
Find your greatest idea, and do it!
Identifying the best option is an important team decision. Our technique ensures you have a plan ready to action so you can succeed!